Devolverland Expo




Devolverland Expo is a first-person ‘marketing simulator’ set within an abandoned convention center after the annual Devolver Digital game expo was mysteriously canceled. Break into the convention center and avoid the advanced security systems to watch and retrieve all the trailers, gameplay demo videos, and other secrets lost in the expo’s cancellation.



While the game itself features no violence or gore, there are trailers and gameplay videos for other games that players can view that contain gore and violent scenes.


    • 最低配置:
  • 需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
  • 操作系统: Windows 10 (64bit)
  • 处理器: AMD / Intel CPU running at 2.8 GHz or higher (AMD Phenom II X4 925 or Intel i3-4130 or newer are recommended)
  • 内存: 4 GB RAM
  • 显卡: AMD/NVIDIA graphic card, with at least 2GB of dedicated VRAM and with at least DirectX 11 and Shader Model 5.1 support: AMD Radeon HD 7870 or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 or newer is recommended
  • DirectX 版本: 11
  • 存储空间: 需要 7 GB 可用空间
  • 声卡: Integrated or dedicated DirectX 9 compatible soundcard
  • 附注事项: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
    • 推荐配置:
    • 需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
    • 操作系统: Windows 10 (64bit)
    • 处理器: AMD / Intel processor running at 3.5 GHz or higher (AMD FX-6300 series or Intel Core i3-8100 or newer is recommended)
    • 内存: 8 GB RAM
    • 显卡: AMD/NVIDIA dedicated graphic card, with at least 4GB of dedicated VRAM (or more) and with at least DirectX 11 and Shader Model 5.1 support: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti or AMD Radeon R9 DirectX: Wersja 11 Miejsce na dysku: 8 GB dostępnej przestrzeni Karta dźwiękowa: Integrated or dedicated DirectX 9 compatible soundcard Dodatkowe uwagi: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system, Windows 7 and 8.1 are supported but some AMD Graphics Cards might show weaker performance on these OS versions.
    • DirectX 版本: 12
    • 存储空间: 需要 7 GB 可用空间
    • 声卡: Integrated or dedicated DirectX 9 compatible soundcard
    • 附注事项: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system


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白鹅游戏盒 » Devolverland Expo


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